Rabu, 28 September 2016

Healthy With Water Therapy

Healthy With Water Therapy

        Water not only serves to release the thirst, but water is very effective medicine to maintain healthy, clear your mind and keep the balance in the tissues of our bodies. Did you know that most of the body is composed of water, 70% (seventy percent) of the body consists of water. This water is used continuously in the process of life.
It is recognized that there are still many people who fail to meet the needs of the body for water. If we are short of water, the cells will begin to draw water from the bloodstream as result of blood will coagulate until the heart has to work harder to pump blood and the body will begin to direct blood away from less vital areas.
        Perhaps dehydration has happened before we feel thirsty, it is the weight of the body because it would interfere with kidney function in the purify the blood and helps the body to release toxins, besides water also increases the metabolism and stimulate bowel function.
        Consuming water that is purified in a proper way will also help purify our bodies. water will make the colon more effective by forming new blood is fresh if the colon is cleaned, Nutritional meals that are included for several times a day will be absorbed, and then folds mucus will turn it into a fresh blood, blood is very important in curing disease and restoring health, since the drinking enough water regularly.
Except in certain disease states, we should not drink too much water. Body only use enough water and spend the rest through urine, If we drink adequate amounts of water will usually urinate every two hours. The sign is increasingly clear your urine means your body is getting enough water, the body does not store water, so drink water in excess amount will not increase benefits. We are encouraged to drink water as much as 1/2 ounce measure of weight in water (1 ounce is equivalent to 0.0284 liters of water). For example if you weigh 75 kg of water you should drink 75 ounces of water ( or 2,3 liters of water).

How do water therapy
There are four steps in conducting water therapy, these four steps can be described as follows :
  1. After waking up in the morning and before brushing teeth, drink clear water as much as 1.5 liters of water (equivalent to 4-5 cups).
  2. One hour before an after drinking water do not consume other beverages or other foods.
  3. There should not drink alcohol the night before.
  4. Use water that has been cooked.

A variety of diseases that can be cured with water therapy include :
Headaches,urinary trac disease, excess uric acid, high blood (hypertension), irregular menstruation, uterine cancer, less blood, rheumatism, obesity, kidney stones, constipation, diarrhea/, diabetes.

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